Tuesday, 28 January 2014


So this may be a little late to talk of my resolutions but I do tend to spend a while thinking about them and what I want to achieve in the new year.

My resolutions are mainly revolved around trying to control my anxiety, stress and anger levels.  I do suffer from anxiety and panic attacks due mainly to a terrible time I had in the summer of 2012 to the summer of 2013.  I am in a much happier place now and my future is extremely bright although my stress issues are still causing me a problem.  Therefore I would like to improve on this and I have discovered some great free reads from Ibooks to download to help me.

Of course everyone wants to succeed generally in life but there are a few things that I want to focus on the most.  One would be to pass my driving test first time and to be pottering around in my own car by May.  The other would probably be to continue working hard in my career, hopefully progressing this year to a different and more advanced role.

My resolutions and things I want to succeed in are a lot different from last years and I hope this year I stick to them and achieve what I have set out to do.  I love setting goals like this for myself as it is a total self confidence boost.

What is one of your resolutions for this year or even for this month?

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